Not for the feint-hearted!
We Dare You To Be Daring
We Dare You To Be Daring
These products are NOT from China.
Our toilet paper colours are unique, making them a gift to be remembered
‘Just received my order, love the blue and feel & quality of the toilet paper’ client Alex 2023
Break free from the confines of ‘mundane’ and DARE TO BE DARING.
Our designer toilet paper reached 5,364 meters, then rolled all the way back home to Australia.
Quirky Toilet Paper ideas and uses from our clients
A wedding to beat all weddings. Colour code your reception and wedding decor with matching toilet paper.
This school used our innovative products to raise funds for much needed toilet facilities in poorer countries.
Renova Australia Toilet Paper reached new heights when it was chosen as the choice loo paper on a trip to Mount Everest. Why take white when you have a choice.
Reece Bathrooms suprise clients with unusual Xmas Gift
Corporate cleaning company uses Renova toilet paper to create attention.
It takes a special someone to use a very different product to get attention.
Of course our iconic black toilet paper showed up in the most expensive bathroom reveal!
No challenge for Renova Toilet Tissue. Show off your Loo Colours.
Hot Pink Toilet Paper takes center stage at this ‘girls night in”
Use colour contrasts for Dementia patients
The Vincent Court Aged Care Facility in NSW uses Renova coloured toilet paper to assist patients suffering from dementia. The Bright Focus Foundation suggests using contrasting colours in the bathroom to help dementia patients see objects better.
Renova Australia is proud to have participated in the Christmas Fundraiser event. This event created awareness within the community of earlt symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Find Out More About the Risks Of Ovarian Cancer
We are the home the Sexiest Paper on Earth. We trust you will enjoy your time with us.